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Saturday, June 7, 2014


I step into Your Church.
A new sense of something.
My senses are aroused.
What is this that draws me?
Unknowingly I visit You again.
I recognize You.
I am awe struck.
So unworthy!

You come to me Lord in the Eucharist.
My mind is overwhelmed by Your holiness.
I reverently bow before you.
I am drawn to my knees.
I consume you.
I receive discernment.

You begin to reveal my unholiness.
Confession reluctantly follows.
I kneel before you.
I receive graces.
I pray reverently and sorrowfully.
You tenderly console me.
Grace abounds.

I am stronger.
I am receiving the Sacraments.
You consume me from the inside out.
I am being made new. 
I am One with Christ and his Body.

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