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Monday, June 2, 2014

Are you living for Christ?

If you are living a truly Christian life you will want to spend time with Christ on a daily basis. It's a great privilege to be with the whole body of Christ, Here on earth and in heaven. It's also an honor to be in communion with those that have gone before me. See we all have partaken of and are partaking in the same body of our Lord Jesus Christ. That makes us connected and one in the Body of Christ. Since I've started consuming the Word(Christ) I have felt the persecution of Christ. I have also began to understand His mother's pains at the foot of the cross. Having learned to experience the way of the cross that Jesus took along with his mother, his brother in the faith, John, Mary Magdalen, Veronica, and others has led me to a deeper devotion for my Savior. The Church has given me learning tools and instruction and guidance into this great mystery. I have more appreciation than EVER before for the love of my God and Savior. And on top of that I receive a multitude of free graces that happen unexpectedly. It's a great peace and joy like never before. Thank you Lord Jesus for dying on the cross but also for leaving us with guidance and leaders such as Peter and Paul and John and their students, Ignatius, Polycarp,  Clement, and many others. Their guidance through the Holy Spirit and your church has led me in all truth and the true peace that passes all understanding. God has not left us unguided or misguided. There is a plumb line. A line of successors from the Apostles to today. Read the history of the church on You won't regret it! All your questions answered. Things that you have not even questioned because we were taught to walk blindly along and didn't know any different. So many things we just did not talk about or bring up like Mary. Oh my goodness! Don't make her out to be anybody special, she was just a human like us. Well she might have been human but she was set apart like others in history but God chose her to house his son. God was literally within her! Literally, not figuratively. There's a difference. Speaking to the saints....well.. Christ spoke to Moses and Elijah who had been dead for centuries. All these and other questions are addressed on this website, also on satellite radio 129 and 130. Check these out. You are missing the mark. Missing the mark. Speaking of the mark... There are four marks of the church. They are One, Holy, Apostolic, and Catholic or Universal. These are what you need to look for when discerning Christ's church. The church that has been here on this earth since Christ was here. It has not changed because God doesn't change. Amen?!?! Amen. Christ said be one as I and the Father are one. Do the research and pray for truth! Love in Christ Jesus.

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