There is proof of Christianity. I have personal proof of miracles, and the Church has proof of an infinite number of miracles, such as, The Incorruptibles. The Incorruptibles are people whose bodies have not decayed. They have done scientific studies on these bodies and the skin cells are still alive! In my personal life I have been in an explosion and burned. My burns healed faster than the burn-unit nurse had ever seen and she asked me many questions about what I might have been using on my burns. It was the same ointment as the other burn victims were given. I have heard what I believe was the Holy Spirit or an angel tell me that I would not have to have skin graphs and another time I was told that I would have to tell someone it was okay to go home who was on his death bed. I have heard angels and saints saying the Unending Hymn that is in Revelation, the last book in the Bible, and at the time I was not really that familiar with this hymn. There are other proofs of the writers of the Bible that were with Jesus during his miracles and in fact we have the bones of many of the Apostles who wrote some of the New Testament scriptures. In fact, my church has a sliver of St. John the Apostle's bones! This has been a recent discovery of mine, so I am really excited!! Just this week the Pope displayed the bones of Peter. And this one probably seems minimal, but they have the actual chair that Peter sat in and used! It is covered in Bronze and hangs in the Cathedral in Rome. There are many proofs and evidence. The miracles from relics of saints happen often. In fact before I believed in relics I had a friend let me see a Rosary from Rome that had been blessed by the Pope. I did not think much of it but the next morning my joints and my skin felt warm and soft. Like I was laying on a cloud when I woke up. I wondered what was going on because for 10 years I had fibromyalgia pain and was always suffering with pain even when laying in bed. The pain was gone!!!
In my own life I have had events that altered what I ever thought possible! They are somewhat unexplainable and miraculous!
One of my first experiences was when I went to visit my grandfather who was on hospice care about 11 years ago. I had been reading a book by Charles Swindoll called, "Flying Closer to the Flame." The book talked about being in touch with the Holy Spirit.
The hospice nurse told us that grandpa had a few weeks left to live and I thought I had better go see him. On the way there I was listening to music on the radio when above the noise of the radio I heard, "You are going to have to tell him it's ok to go home." It was one of those moments of, "things that make you go..hmmmm". "What's that all about?" I wondered. I mean, they had told us that grandpa had a few weeks yet. "Weird."
So when I arrived at grandpa's house I told my aunt what I had heard and she proceeded to tell me that grandpa had a good day. He had gotten out of bed and ate and joked around a bit. So I was still not expecting grandpa to pass away. See my aunt had worked in a nursing home or care home and had experienced people in their last days. What I did not know was that some people near death may have "one last good day". I feel as if maybe that is a kind of grace for the loved ones. I did not have any idea what her intent was when she told me this about grandpa. So I went in to see grandpa periodically that evening. I was hoping that he might wake up so that I might get to visit with him. But he did not ever wake up again. His breathing became shallow and after a while it was very faint. My aunt said, "You better tell him what you came to tell him." I grasped his very warm and soft hand and told him that it was okay to go home, and he took his last breath.
For me it was an extraordinary moment of joy and grief all at once. I knew that for some reason grandpa had needed that reassurance to step into the arms of God and I knew that God had used me to be that reassurance.
There is much more to this story see because I am a Christian. I have witnessed a few miracles in my lifetime, but not like this one. I have experienced things that are hard to explain.
Let me go back a couple of days before grandpa's death. You see, grandpa was not a Christian, in other words he had never professed a belief in Jesus Christ. (Jesus said, "I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but through me.") My mother had prayed for him for 35 years or so. A couple days before grandpa's death it was a Sunday afternoon and I felt a deep pounding in my chest and a profound experience that I can only explain as if angels were tugging on my arms and pushing my back to get me off of the couch where I was resting, thinking, and praying for grandpa. I thought maybe I should call my aunt to see how he was doing and ask her if she would talk to him about Jesus again. See, I did not want grandpa to suffer in this death because he had emphysema and lung cancer. And, of course, I wanted him to go to heaven. Almost instantly I felt a tugging, of sorts, to go call. As my aunt picked up the phone she was crying and I thought that it was too late. I asked her what was wrong and she hollered, "Daddy just accepted Christ!" I was full of joy and exclaimed, "The angels are rejoicing!" Which took me by suprise that I had said that and then remembered the verse in the Bible that says that the angels rejoice over one sinner who repents. (Luke 15:10 RSVCE)
See grandpa knew he needed a doctor and not an earthly doctor. He had asked to speak to the lady down the street, the widow of the preacher. Grandpa told her that he needed her doctor. And they prayed. That was the moment when I called. God works in mysterious ways.
The next year I wrote out my story of grandpa and mailed out letters to all of his kids, and grandkids. It was closing time at work. I had mailed the letters just a couple of hours before. With my Bible in hand I headed out the back door of the Cheney Pharmacy. As I flipped the toggle switch there was a mighty spark and everything went into slow motion. I could here the WOOSH sound as the natural gas explosion lit!
The next thing I remember, I was outside under some rubble with the darkest red pouring from my head! I was screaming at the top of my lungs and getting to my hands and knees; shaking the rubble to make someone aware of where I was located. I saw flames around me and vehicle tires that I thought might ignite at any moment. A few farmers patronizing the local bar across the street miraculously lifted a concrete cinderblock beam, a metal door and frame, and miscellaneous concrete debris freeing me from the rubble and helping me to my feet and out of danger. I escaped with second degree burns to my face, hands, and neck, a giant cut across my forehead and numerous head wounds. I was so thankful to be alive that I did truly believe at that point that an angel had protected me from death! And I got a helicopter ride out of the deal too!
This was absolutely the most horrifying experience I have ever experienced and hope to ever experience. The next day the burn unit doctor was in to look over my burns. He said it was possible that I may need a skin graft on my hand. I was once again horrified! As the doctor and assistant left my room, I sat up in bed, mortified! Thinking how much more pain could I take? At that instant I heard this, "You are not going to have to have that." And I felt such relief and peace come over me. I did not even question where those words came from. Just peace. True peace. Assurance. Probably because my head was the size of a basketball my parents did not believe me when I told them that I was not going to need a skin graft. The doctors and nurses would come in and look at my hands and look for "skin buds". (The red little dots that indicate nerves forming and thus the growth of skin.) I was in the hospital for eight days and then they released me to home health care. I still had to visit the hospital so that they could check my wounds for infection and for healing. On my last visit my parents and I sat down with the burn unit wound care nurse for a final check of my burns and to remove the suctures from my forehead. The nurse asked me several times what I was doing for my burns. Was I using a special ointment? I said, "No". And proceeded to tell her about all the people that were praying for me in at least five different states. She said, "No, no." "I don't mean....I mean really...what are you using on your burns?" I said, "Just the ointment that they gave me." And we varified the name and she was just in disbelief that my burns had healed so fast. It was about three weeks. Miracle? I think so. In fact, I have heard more recently of how our prayers are heard but heard in a way outside of time because our time and heaven's time are different. Heaven's time is not time as we know it. It is a unending realm. Our prayers are heard and answered unendingly. That's why I believe my hands still heal fast when I get a cut. They seem to heal faster than before my burns. It's a miracle.
The next time that I heard directly from heaven was in 2007. I was saying a fast and short prayer before heading off to work. I was sitting at the dining room table, which I rarely did at that time in my life. I always thought I was too busy. I got up to leave for work and before I could stand I heard this: "Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Power and Might. Heaven and Earth are full of your Glory. Hosanna in the Highest. Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord. Hosanna in the Highest." But not only did I hear this but I felt as if I was "caught-up" in saying it with them. I had never resighted this before in my life! I thought it was ending but then I heard it again! "Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Power and Might. Heaven and Earth are full of your Glory. Hosanna in the Highest. Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord. Hosanna in the Highest." I said it again with them. Then I thought, "Ok, now I can go to work." But I heard it once more and then it faded away. Wow! What an experience! I really didn't know what I had just experienced! It was amazing and strange.
It has been six years since I heard the "Holy, Holy, Holy". It is November 2013. I have since joined the Catholic Church. I was confirmed at Easter of this year. Last year around this time I realized that I was hearing the "Holy, Holy, Holy" again, but not in my head in some extraordinary form, but in church. The Church had recently changed their wording a bit to better fit to the original language so I had not recognized it at first. They recite, "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Host...". I had been going to the Catholic Church and reading about the Church for a year prior. I also located the phrases in two parts of the Bible. The Church recites this phrase every hour somewhere in the world and it is known as the Unending Hymn in the Bible. I heard that Unending Hymn that day. I believe it was the Saints and the Angels reciting it in Heaven glorifying our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Why I have been given such gifts from God, I do not know. I do know that scripture says this: His ways are not our ways, .....
I also know that I must tell everyone about this because it was given to me. We, as Christians, are to tell of the good and great things that the Holy Spirit teaches us so that it edifies others. That is why I am writing this book, so that all may know what God has revealed to me through the study of scripture, scholarly studies, the hearing of priestly homilies of old and new, and through prayer. My writing will be just that, mine. I cannot say that everything I will comment on will be in line with every last piece of Catholic Doctrine, but I do hope to stay as close to the Church's beliefs as far as I know for now.
That said, I am a new convert to the Catholic faith and have been very grateful for being allowed this opportunity. God opened my eyes to see that truth of the gospel. I prayed for the truth, and this truth has set me free.
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