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Saturday, February 21, 2015

Confession AGAIN!!

My husband is so much better at confession than I am. I am however moving towards a better understanding of meeting Jesus in the confessional.
It has become a need for me just like the Eucharist in receiving Christ in both ways. He meets us. Just as I go again dragging my feet, feeling the chains of denial of my sins tugging at me. I slowly and trembling reach the confessional line.
I prayed before for the Holy Spirit to convict me of my sins and oh how quickly they arise to my conscience. Thanks! I think sarcastically, and then say to the Holy Spirit, no, really, thank you for reminding me.
I am not perfect and I need this Grace from Jesus to go before him at the alter, as well. I am SO unworthy of you Lord Jesus! Please forgive me.

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