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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Do you know Christ?

Do you know Christ?  Knowing....what does that really mean? I have read in Genesis, the first book of the bible, Chapter 4 Verse 1 that, "Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain", so for me this "knowing" is pretty intimate. They have a child.

So, my understanding of knowing Christ would correlate to this type of knowing in a sense.  I receive and take in my Lord as often as I can. Literally and figuratively.  Literally because when the host is consecrated by a priest in the person of Christ, the host is changed into the body and blood of Christ.  I consume this Word made flesh that dwells among us and I am being made new.  That's knowing.

Christ said ask and it shall be given. Of course the priest is part of the succession of the Apostles and has this authority and so I believe fully that what he prays happens.  Christ said that this is his body.  His Words. Christ's words that change reality.  "Lazareth come forth" and a dead man walked. "Little girl get up" and a dead girl got up. God created through speech alone and the earth was formed.

Christ still speaks through his Church and things change. Miracles happen every day! We do not have to believe that it does, but it still is going to happen because He is God in the flesh. His reality doesn't rely on our belief or on our comprehension of God's reality. 

To know Him...Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened to you. What are you waiting for? To truly know Him you must receive Him fully!

Life started in a garden. Death occured by the fruit of a tree.  Humanity waited for redemption. Sacrifices were offered time and time again. Then an ultimate sacrifice occured. Death of humanity by representation of God in the flesh on a tree created the door back to the garden, where the fruit of the tree that once killed humanity has given us eternal life. BUT.... we MUST eat of the fruit of the tree of eternal life, which is Christ in the flesh. It is the risen Lord that we must consume! Divinity! Glory! His glorified body, risen to eternal life that we might parttake of this divine nature! Taste and see that the Lord is good. His love endures forever.

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